Privacy Notice


Dear Users:

You are hereby notified, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (hereinafter "Law"), as well as the Regulations of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Third Parties (hereinafter "Regulations"), in harmony with the Privacy Notice Guidelines published in the Official Gazette of the Federation dated January 17, 2013, referred to in Article 43 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties and other applicable laws, that Be Yachter (hereinafter "The Company"), domiciled in Mexico City, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data, and in this regard we inform you of the following:

For what purposes will we use your personal data?

The personal data we collect from you will be used for the following purposes that are necessary for the service you request:

- To verify and confirm that you have the minimum requirements to be able to contract the services.

- To manage and operate the services and products as offered by the vessel owners.

- For the creation, analysis, study, updating and preservation of the clinical record.

- Personal information remains under the protection and custody of the company and may not be used for purposes other than those for which it was provided.

- So that the authorities can verify and have certainty of your health condition, and that you, if you so choose, can show it; and always carry it safely.

- To be able to locate it in case of emergency or natural disaster, if necessary.

In addition, we will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but that allow and facilitate us to provide you with better service:

- To have a census of searches.

- Improve and contribute to the creation of laws that comprehensively protect their rights.

- Create a database of doctors who are issuing certificates.

- To be able to collaborate with the Authorities in case it is required officially and in writing.


In case you do not want your personal data to be processed for these additional purposes, from this moment on you should refrain from applying for the Certification or refuse to accept the Privacy Notice.

The refusal to use your personal data for these purposes may be a reason for us to deny you the services and products you request or apply for with us.

What personal data will we use for these purposes?

To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use all the personal data you provide as well as sensitive personal data that will have special protection.

We inform you that your personal data will NOT be shared inside and outside the country with persons, companies, organizations and authorities other than us. Unless, the Company is required officially and in writing only by any Authority, as established by the corresponding laws.

How can you access, rectify or cancel your personal data, or object to its use?

You have the right to know what personal information we have about you, what we use it for and the conditions of the use we make of it (Access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); that we remove it from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided in the regulations (Cancellation); as well as to oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

To exercise any of the ARCO rights, you must submit the respective request in your personal account.

To know the procedure and requirements for the exercise of ARCO rights, you can request it from the Contact button in your user by logging in with your password.

How can you revoke your consent to the use of your personal data?

You may revoke the consent, if any, you have given us for the processing of your personal data. However, it is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to fulfill your request or terminate the use immediately, since it is possible that for some legal obligation we may need to continue processing your personal data. Also, you should consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will mean that we can no longer provide the service you requested, or the conclusion of your relationship with us.

To revoke your consent you must log in to your user account with your password and click the Cancel Voluntary Certification button, confirm with the accept button. And your credential will also be canceled when scanned, as well as your user account will be deleted and you will no longer be able to access it.

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?

In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer you the following means:

- Your registration in the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, which is in charge of the Federal Consumer Protection Agency, with the purpose of not using your personal data to receive advertising or promotions of goods or services companies. For more information about this registry, you can consult the PROFECO's website, or contact it directly.

Intellectual Property

The information on is public unless otherwise indicated, in which case before reproducing it, you must observe whether it has reserved rights and respect them in terms of the rules relating to copyright and industrial property. Additionally, the user who reproduces or processes information contained in as well as in its social networks, must refer to the electronic location and date on which the information was consulted. The user undertakes to respect and safeguard the rights of third parties on the contents contained in the portal and its social networks, in terms of applicable law, so that for use, you must obtain the corresponding authorizations directly from the rights holders.

Personal data and other information such as comments that are published on the portal, may be used for statistical reports to monitor the progress of the Company, ensuring that your requests and suggestions will be addressed to improve the quality of care, complaints, complaints, or enable new procedures and services to make your life easier.

The use of tracking technologies on our Internet portal

We inform you that on our website we use cookies, web beacons and other technologies through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, as well as to provide you with a better service and user experience when browsing our website.

Accessibility Statement

The Internet is an indispensable tool for making information available to the public, so ensuring universal access to this tool is and will continue to be a priority for the Company, so that the information on the web can always be consulted in a meaningful way by all sectors of the population.

The website is designed to facilitate universal access for all users, regardless of their physical, sensory or intellectual abilities, as well as the technical context of their use (type of device, software, connection speed, environmental conditions, etc.).

Web accessibility encompasses people with different disabilities: visual, hearing, motor, cognitive or neurological, as well as older adults and people unfamiliar with the use of the Internet.

We work with the objective of adapting the site to the recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Name: Be Yachter

Web site :

Accessibility Guidelines:

- Images that convey relevant information have equivalent alternative texts.

- The page can be played audibly on any device.

- Links, icons and buttons have descriptive text.

- Semantic markup is used appropriately.

- The forms have clear descriptions.

- Moving contents can be controlled by the user.

- The site is navigable using the keyboard.

- Color contrasts are adequate.

- The structure of the site and its heading levels are understandable and predictable.

- The website is compatible with assistive technology tools used by people with disabilities.

- The site is compatible with technologies used by users, such as versions and types of web browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge).

Because has wide coverage and gradually integrates the websites of the Animal Care Agency of the CDMX, Banfield Pet Hospital Mexico, Federal Civil Protection, among others to be added later.

How can you find out about changes to this privacy notice?

This privacy notice may be modified, changed or updated as a result of new legal requirements; our own needs for the products or services we offer; our privacy practices; changes in our business model, or for other reasons.

We are committed to keep you informed about the changes that this privacy notice may undergo, by clicking on Privacy Notice and you will see the updated content.

The procedure through which notifications about changes or updates to this privacy notice will be carried out is as follows: on the web page, so we ask that you constantly check our website.

Last updated [06/Aug/2023].